Ludovic Franceschet, street sweeper in Paris : his fabulous destiny from anonymous to social network star

Raising awareness about the importance of waste collection on social networks has made Ludovic Franceschet a real web star. Today followed by more than 300,000 people on various social platforms, the Parisian garbage collector takes advantage of his visibility to carry out his mission: “banish littering”. Let’s zoom in on the fabulous story of this garbage collector like no other!
300,000 followers and thousands of views for each video
The fabulous destiny of Ludovic Franceschet could be the title of a film. However, it is far from fiction. A garbage collector in Paris, Ludovic is now the darling of social networks in the capital, with more than 300,000 followers. Passionate about his job, Ludovic has been a garbage collector for 5 years. To say that he has contributed to giving a new dimension to the profession is by no means an exaggeration. Involved in social networks, he uses them to spread a message of awareness, sometimes getting angry at the casualness of some people who casually leave their waste on the ground: “The bin is right there, it’s just a stone’s throw away. I don’t understand,” he says in one of the videos posted on social networks.
Today, each video shared by Ludovic Franceschet is seen by thousands of people. Videos that he shoots with his smartphone to tell the story of his daily life as a garbage collector in the city of Paris. Some videos of the french street sweeper are naturally more watched than others. This is particularly true of the “before and after” videos which, as their name clearly implies, show the state of the street before and after Ludovic’s intervention. Ludovic doesn’t make these videos just for fun… He uses them above all to raise awareness: “It doesn’t matter what the network is, but at least it gives visibility (…) I use it to raise awareness,” he explains. It is now not uncommon for Ludovic to be recognised in the street and praised for his efforts, which gives him particular pleasure: “Every time, I am touched when I am recognised, when my work is recognised,” he reveals, not without emotion.”
The goal of Ludovic Franceschet street sweeper : “To Change people’s minds”
This is the mission that Ludovic has set himself: to change mentalities. To achieve this, the cleaning agent is multiplying initiatives. The latest is a door-to-door tour of Paris in a roll-bag to collect waste from the circular boulevards. The ultimate goal is to banish littering for good. The start of this unique tour of Paris will take place on Tuesday 9 August, from the Pont National in the 12th arrondissement. Ludovic Franceschet will be riding his wheelie-bag equipped with a bin liner along the boulevards des Maréchaux to collect waste found on the road.