Mediterranean diet: the secret of Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Blake Lively and Miranda Kerr?

The Mediterranean diet is a way of life and a type of diet characteristic of the countries along the Mediterranean Sea. This diet has been associated with better health and longer life expectancy. It is a common denominator between BeyoncĂ©, Jennifer Lopez, Blake Lively and Miranda Kerr. Let’s take stock of this “miracle” diet!
The Mediterranean diet, what is it?
The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olives and nuts. It also includes moderate amounts of meat, fish and dairy products. The Mediterranean diet is low in saturated fats and added sugars.
The health benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been demonstrated in numerous studies. The Mediterranean diet has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
In addition, a recent study conducted in 2022 by the University of Technology Sydney entitled “The effect of a Mediterranean diet on the symptoms of depression in young males” and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition* shows a real improvement in the quality of life and a decrease in the severity of depression in the panel of patients constituting the study.
Why we should adopt the Mediterranean diet in the United States
The Mediterranean diet is easy to follow and can be adapted to your lifestyle and culinary tastes. Many cultures around the world have elements similar to the Mediterranean diet.
The United States is not a Mediterranean country, but it is possible to adopt the Mediterranean diet here. It has been proven for many years that a diet too high in saturated fats and sugars causes many health problems, with obesity at the top of the list followed closely by heart disease. Yet there are many Mediterranean foods available in supermarkets and restaurants. In addition, many Mediterranean recipes are easy to prepare and can help us adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Some of the stars and celebrities who follow Mediterranean-style diets include Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Blake Lively and Miranda Kerr. These women are known for their beauty and their dream figure. Their beauty secrets? A balanced and healthy diet!
So it’s time to adopt the Mediterranean diet in the United States! This healthy lifestyle will help us prevent many chronic diseases and stay healthy throughout our lives!
If you are considering the Mediterranean diet, talk to your doctor or a dietitian for advice on how to adapt it to your lifestyle and nutritional needs.
*Jessica Bayes, Janet Schloss, David Sibbritt, The effect of a Mediterranean diet on the symptoms of depression in young males (the “AMMEND: A Mediterranean Diet in MEN with Depression” study): a randomized controlled trial, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 116, Issue 2, August 2022, Pages 572-580,