Purple Hearts 2: When will the sequel to the movie be released on Netflix?

While the film has just been released on the streaming platform Netflix, subscribers are all already asking a lot of questions about the Purple Hearts 2 sequel.
If you too are eager to know more, if you loved this Purple Hearts movie on Netflix and if you are wondering when the sequel will be released, then read this article carefully, we will try to bring you the answers you are looking for!
Purple Hearts 2, the new movie that is a hit on Netflix
The movie Purple Hearts was recently released on the streaming platform Netflix but it is already unleashing passions. Just a few days after its release, it is among the most watched and appreciated programs on the platform. The love story of Purple Hearts has seduced young and old, men and women all over the world. If you are one of those who fell in love with this movie, we are sure that you are looking forward to the second installment. If you haven’t seen it yet, we will, without spoiling you, briefly explain what it’s all about.
Purple Hearts is a movie that takes place in the United States and tells the story of Cassie and Luke, two very different young adults. Cassie has a passion for music and does many odd jobs to get by. She is an endearing character because she is fragile on the one hand, but resilient on the other: the young woman suffers from diabetes and has trouble paying for her treatment. On the other hand, Cassie has strong convictions: she is a feminist and hates guns and violence. The young woman will then meet Luke who is a little bit her opposite, you guessed it, and he has just joined the Marines.
In two weeks, he will leave for his first mission. Everything opposes the young people. Yet Cassie will accept the idea of marrying Luke. This way, she will be covered by his health insurance and will be able to receive her treatment for free. An arrangement which pleases Luke because he will receive more money. This will allow him to pay off some old debts.
Everything we already know about the sequel to the Netflix movie
Purple Hearts is a hit on the streaming platform Netflix. This movie already has many fans. They are all wondering about a potential sequel for the movie. Thus, if Cassie and Luke end up meeting again during the last scene, the spectators want to be able to follow their love story.
It is true that at the beginning, the film was planned not to have a sequel. But, given the success that it meets, it may well be that the Netflix platform decides to produce a second film. Especially since the actor Nicholas Galitzine has recently made some statements in this direction.
The latter interprets the character of Luke in the program. Thus, the young man said that they had already talked about a potential sequel with the other actors of the film.
If nothing is confirmed yet, this sequel could allow us to follow the young couple in their new life. All you have to do now is keep your fingers crossed that Netflix decides to produce a second film.
What is the release date for the sequel, Purple Hearts 2 on Netflix?
At the moment, no sequel has been confirmed for the movie Purple Hearts. If the streaming platform does decide to produce a second movie, you will have to be patient. Indeed, you will have to wait until the script is written and the shooting starts. You should not expect to see Cassie and Luke again for many months.
Thus, the second Purple Hearts movie is not expected to be available on the Netflix streaming platform until the end of next year. You can only hope very hard that the Netflix platform decides to produce a sequel to your brand new favorite movie!